ANC Global

Career and Development Framework (CDF)

Ensure Employee Satisfaction and Engagement with CDF

At ANC Global, we understand the importance of employee engagement and career development in creating a productive and satisfied workforce. That’s why we have designed our Career and Development Framework (CDF) program to help organizations create a culture of growth and development for their employees.


The CDF program starts with identifying the leadership behaviors and core values required for all employees in your organization. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a tailored framework that aligns with your business goals and objectives. We use tools, methodologies, and feedback from our clients to create a CDF that can be easily implemented and cascaded throughout your organization.


In addition to creating the CDF, we also advise on communication and action plans to ensure that your employees understand the value and benefits of the program. We also partner with you to deliver workshops and training sessions that will help your employees develop the skills and knowledge they need to grow and succeed in their careers.


At ANC, we believe that a strong learning culture is essential for the success of any organization. That’s why we also offer a cultural framework that will help your business become a full learning organization. This includes promoting a growth mindset, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and providing opportunities for employees to develop their skills and knowledge.


Our CDF program is a signature offering that has helped many organizations create a culture of growth and development for their employees. By investing in your employees’ career development, you not only improve their job satisfaction and retention but also enhance the overall productivity and success of your organization. Contact us today to learn more about our CDF program and how we can help you create a more engaged and productive workforce.

Power in Numbers




